Family Ministry

Are you looking for a place to minister? There is a field of missionary work readily available to all – The Home. Each of us belongs to a family whether by birth or by adoption. The Bible says, “God sets the solitary in families…” Psalm 68:6 (NKJV). In every family or home you find yourself, God did not make a mistake for you to be born or adopted there. He set you there purposefully to be His witness.

A few years ago, I heard the story of a lady who finished campus and came back home to her parents. While these parents expected her to seek for a job and begin her own life, the lady said that God had instructed her to come home and serve in the family. With all her learning she was there serving around the home faithfully attending to the humble duties of the home. Her story sounded crazy but the more I gave it thought the more I realized it could be a possibility.

Christ after healing the demoniacs instructed them, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” Mark 5:19 (NKJV) While it looked like they would make great soul winners in some far away field, Christ knew that they would be more effective at home. And Christ was right, these men did a great work in their families, neighboring villages and towns.

No missionary field as important as the home  

“The restoration and uplifting of humanity begins in the home.” Ministry of Healing, p.349 

“Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home…There is no missionary field more important than this.” Adventist Home, p.35 

These statements demand the sincere consideration of every Christian and Seventh day Adventist. During this time of COVID-19 lockdown, God has provided a massive opportunity for true faith to shine in various homes. I believe God has used this opportunity to avail parents to their children, and to reunite the hearts of the children to their fathers.

“The work of many may appear to be restricted by circumstances; (such as lockdowns and banning of public gatherings) but, wherever it is, if performed with faith and diligence it will be felt to the uttermost parts of the earth.” Desire of Ages, p. 822

This statement comes just after Christ has shared about family ministry. He seems to say that sometimes circumstances may hedge up the way in which we thought to take the message to some heathen land, but that should not discourage us. Wherever He puts us, at home and abroad, be faithful and be diligent.

“Every one of Christ’s workers is to begin where he is. In our own families may be souls hungry for sympathy, starving for the bread of life. There may be children to be trained for Christ. There are heathen at our very doors. Let us do faithfully the work that is nearest. Then let our efforts be extended as far as God’s hand may lead the way.” Desire of Ages, p. 822

A hard look at your family

Think for a moment about your family. Are all members walking with Christ? Are all your siblings and parents enjoying a fruitful relationship with God? If not as is often the case, then you have a field to labour.

You say, “You don’t know how hard my brothers and sisters are to win. They have gone too far into drugs, rock music and secular movies.” Surely, I do not understand but Christ who sends you understands. This world was the darkest spot in God’s universe, yet the Son of God came and made his home in it. Even in coming to this planet, He chose Nazareth, the hardest spot, a city proverbial for wickedness. He teaches us that “the hardest and most unpromising field” is not to be passed by whether it be in the home or abroad (Desire of Ages, p. 822).

When Pharaoh asked Moses who would leave Egypt to the promised land with him, Moses answered, “We will go with our young and our old; with our sons and our daughters…” Exodus 10:9 (NKJV). Where are parents who like Moses want both young and old to go to the promised land? What greater joy will heaven have than to behold our own blood and have fellowship with them and with Jesus in eternity?


You might be wondering about the practical steps of family evangelism. Click here to learn the how if you are a parent or here if you are a youth.


