Hello dear friends as we are in this crisis, I have I word of encouragement unto us. This resulted in my small study on the peace offering in the sanctuary. Hope it will be of the tremendous blessing unto you and your friends.

When surveying the peace offering in the sanctuary, the following steps can be gleaned for those who are seeking heaven born peace.

Six steps of finding true peace

Step 1: ✍?Making confession.✍?

You see, inorder for the one who came to the sanctuary to obtain peace, he had to come to the sanctuary with an innocent animal, then place his or her hands upon it.Then confess the things that he had done or made her or him not to have peace. Then the it was symbolically transferred to the Animal.
✍?✍? Thus, it is a wonderful lesson unto us that if we are planning to have peace in our minds, we need to make sure that all unconfessed is confessed so that we may be right with God.
Remember the Bible says

KJV Isaiah 57
20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.

Step 2: ✍?Self Examination ✍?
When you read Lev 3:3-5, After confessing the sins to the animal, the individual made sure he had to remove all the fat from the animal.. Imagine how this was a hard work.nevertheless, he had to remove all of it..You may wonder, what does fat symbolize?
When you compare Psalms 17:10, Psalms 37:20, You find that Fat is a symbol of Sin..Thus the next thing which we aught to do is to examine our lives if there is any cherished sin in our live and plead it with Christ for forgiveness.. Remembered, he removed all the fat. Likewise, we aught to remove all the besetting sins in our live.. examination ( 2 Corinthians 13:5, Romans 12:1-3).

Step 3: ✍?Full Trust and Surrender in God’s planning ✍?
Reading Leviticus 7:32-33, there is another step the individual was supposed to do inorder to experience peace.
We are told he was to cut the right shoulder an give it to the Priest.
We know that our priest is Jesus. But what does the right shoulder mean or symbolize?
If you compare with Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 22:22..You will see that it means burdens or belongings.

Thus we need to understand that the plans of our lives needs to be placed on the shoulders of Christ. He is the only one who is to bear them. Again is the one who knows the keys or solutions for each door in our lives
The pen of inspiration also says,
In the heart of Christ, where reigned perfect harmony with God, there was perfect peace. He was never elated by applause, nor dejected by censure or disappointment. Amid the greatest opposition and the most cruel treatment, He was still of good courage.But many who profess to be His followers have an anxious, troubled heart, because they are afraid to trust themselves with God. They do not make a complete surrender to Him; for they shrink from the consequences that such a surrender may involve.Unless they do make this surrender, they cannot find peace. DA 330.3

Step 4: ✍?Open Communication with God✍?
After the right shoulder was given unto the priest, there was another thing also given unto him,
Reading Leviticus 7:30-31..We see that the individual also gave the breast or the bosom to the priest.

What does the breast or bosom mean?
Job 31:33, tells us that in the bosom is where we hid our iniquities.
Psalms 66:18, tells us that the inquities or sins are hid in the hear

Thus The act where by the individual was to give the priest who symbolizes Jesus , the breast, is teaching us to to give our hearts fully unto Christ..see Proverbs 23:26..my heart give me your heart!

Once we yield our hearts unto Christ! We become the beloved of The Lord!

Read John 13:23..we are told that John the disciple of Jesus who was in the breast of Jesus. Jesus loved him so much. Wow! Thus. John was close to Jesus.

Step 5: ✍?Surrendering our Appetite ✍?
There was another thing in the peace offering that the individual was to give the priest..it was the maw or stomach..Read Deuteronomy 18:1-3
The stomach stands for appetite and lustful desires..All this need to be surrendered in order for an individual to have peace.

Compare Romans 16:18, Philippines 3:17-19..we see that those who are ruled by appetites are enemies of the cross of Christ Thus do not have the heaven born peace.

Step 6: ✍?Surrender of Emotions✍?
There was a last thing that the individual was supposed to give to the priest..it was the cheeks..Read Deuteronomy 18:3

The cheeks symbolize not having reteliatory spirit l.e not revengeful..when someone has done wrong nor ready to reteliate.

What does cheeks symbolize? See Isaiah 50:5-6.
Jesus Himself when was done wrong, he was not moved by emotions to reteliate. See Matt 26:67-68.
Jesus also commands us to have the same experience. Matthew 5:38-39.

✍?Lastly, what kind of peace does Jesus what to give us? Read Philippines 4:7..peace which suppesseth all understanding!

Let’s claim this promises today!
KJV Psalms 119
165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

KJV Isaiah 26
3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Bro. Steve Monyancha
