The Highest Missionary Work

Do you know the highest missionary work one could ever get involved with? Is it preaching multitudes and harvesting 3000 souls in one day as Peter did on the day of Pentecost? Or is it giving a thousand tracts a day at a busy bus terminus?  You might be surprised to know it is none of these. So what is it? Here we go:

“By personal labor reach those around you. Become acquainted with them… Angels of God attend you to the dwellings of those you visit. By visiting the people, talking, praying, sympathizing with them, you will win hearts. This is the highest missionary work that you can do.” Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 41

The highest missionary work has to do with attending to the needs of one soul at a time through personal labor. Christ in giving the parable of the men who failed to show up at the king’s feast finished with this command, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:23)

While the highways represent easily accessible places, the hedges represent places that will require a sacrifice. The hedges are places where people must be sought out for and compelled for Christ. How can this work of compelling men for Christ be accomplished? Here is how:

“To a great degree this (work of going to the hedges) must be accomplished by personal labor. This was Christ’s method. His work was largely made up of personal interviews. He had a faithful regard for the one-soul audience. Through that one soul the message was often extended to thousands.” Christ Object Lessons, p. 229

A look into the ministry of Christ will show you the importance of the one-soul audience. When Jesus crossed cultural prejudices to minister to the woman at the well, the result was a whole city harvested for God.

John 4:28-30 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Then they went out of the city and came to Him.(NKJV)

And it didn’t end with the invitation; glorious results attended the work of this woman too. She did not have any experience in soul winning but she could invite.

John 4:39-42 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.” So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.”(NKJV)

This woman was not a trained soul winner but she decided to invite others to the wonderful experience she had had with Jesus. There are wonderful results awaiting your witnessing attempts. Always remember, it is not about you or your ability or what you will say to convince others though these have a place. Here is what matters:

This woman had several odds against her. First, she might have said, “I am just a woman.” In our society only men engage in such religious matters, I will not go against the prevailing custom. She did not let her gender to press down her desire. Secondly, she might have thought of her past and said, “I am not a saint, my past will betray my witness.” But it was in witnessing that she was given victory over her past. Do you think you’re too sinful to witness? Does your past press guilt upon you making you to cringe from sharing Jesus. Remember:

“It is not the capabilities you now possess or ever will have that will give you success. It is that which the Lord can do for you. We need to have far less confidence in what man can do and far more confidence in what God can do for every believing soul.”  {COL 146.4}  

This woman represents the working of a practical faith in Christ. Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life. The receiver becomes a giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like a spring in the desert, welling up to refresh all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life.  {DA 195.2}  

Three lessons from this woman:

  1. You do not need a vast experience and training in soul winning to bring souls to Jesus 

“He who begins with a little knowledge, in a humble way, and tells what he knows, while seeking diligently for further knowledge, will find the whole heavenly treasure awaiting his demand. The more he seeks to impart light, the more light he will receive. The more one tries to explain the word of God to others, with a love for souls, the plainer it becomes to himself. The more we use our knowledge and exercise our powers, the more knowledge and power we shall have.”  {COL 354.1}  

  1. The record of our past failures and mistakes should not excuse us from soul winning

Moses was a murderer before he became a mighty deliverer of God’s people. From Saul the persecutor came Paul the preacher and apostle to the Gentiles. Our past should not be an excuse against service to God. 

“He who called the fisherman of Galilee is still calling men to His service. And He is just as willing to manifest His power through us as through the first disciples. However imperfect and sinful we may be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself, of apprenticeship to Christ. He invites us to come under the divine instruction, that, uniting with Christ, we may work the works of God.”  {DA 297.1}   

  1. Soul winning is not for the ordained minister only

While the Bible tells us that Jesus ordained the twelve apostles for special leadership and work for the expansion of the apostolic church, the Samaritan woman, who had received no ordination proved to be a more effective missionary than even the ordained disciples. We each have a part to play in the great work committed to the church.

“The Saviour’s commission to the disciples included all the believers. It includes all believers in Christ to the end of time. It is a fatal mistake to suppose that the work of saving souls depends alone on the ordained minister. All to whom the heavenly inspiration has come are put in trust with the gospel. All who receive the life of Christ are ordained to work for the salvation of their fellow men. For this work the church was established, and all who take upon themselves its sacred vows are thereby pledged to be co-workers with Christ.”  {DA 822.2}  

“Whatever one’s calling in life, his first interest should be to win souls for Christ. He may not be able to speak to congregations, but he can work for individuals.” {DA 822.3}  


The weaker and more inexperienced you feel, the more you will feel your need of God for wisdom and strength and the greater will be the results. I want to invite you to just begin and begin now. Pray and ask God to lead you to one who needs your ministry, ask Him for wisdom and you will be amazed at the miracles He will do in you and through you.


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