About the Ministry


Remnant Soul Winners is a self-supporting ministry within the Seventh-day Adventist church whose mission is to equip church members “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” The ministry brings together volunteer missionaries from both professional and collegiate levels who willingly sacrifice their time, talents and resources for the advancement of God’s cause. This ministry is the embodiment of the vision of consecrated lay members who sense the large work to be done outside the pulpit and respond to the Master’s call with an affirmative “I will go.”

What we do

We recruit missionary volunteers through our web portal, give basic missionary training, deploy missionaries to unentered or needy areas, we provide outreach materials, we also provide mentorship and supervision while supporting the missionaries with food, shelter and other basic needs.

Our Methodology

While we place a great emphasis on personal evangelism, we combine various methods for greater efficiency and wider reach including Bible Work, Medical Missionary Work, Prophecy Seminars, Literature Distribution and charity work. While engaged in aggressive outreach we also seek to revive the local churches through strategic discipleship and leadership trainings coupled with life-changing revival programs.

A picture of RSW Ministry first fruits starting a new walk through baptism.

our history

Remnant Soul Winners ministry was conceived in 2020 in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. While every door for public ministry seemed to be closing, God reminded us through the prevailing circumstances and the pen of inspiration the need to focus on personal ministry. At the height of the pandemic, God providentially brought us our first group of volunteers who pioneered the work of the ministry through different personal evangelism approaches.

With the help of willing local churches and free will donations from well-wishers, our pioneers were deployed to remote areas Central Nyanza Conference. Our target was to visit every home in the territory, make valuable relationships and share the word of God with them. When the work begun our volunteers could barely meet all appointments. It was clear that people were thirsty for the simple explanation of the word of God. In the end, that which begun as a simple idea to engage young people in God’s work by asking them to freely volunteer their talents for a period of time has paid off in baptisms, new church plants and revived local churches.


What inspires our ministry?

“It is fatal mistake to suppose that the work of soul-saving depends alone upon the ministry. The humble, consecrated believer upon whom the Master of the vineyard places a burden for souls is to be given encouragement by the men upon whom the Lord has laid larger responsibilities. Those who stand as leaders in the church of God are to realize that the Saviour’s commission is given to all who believe in His name. God will send forth into His vineyard many who have not been dedicated to the ministry by the laying on of hands.”

“Hundreds, yea, thousands, who have heard the message of salvation are still idlers in the market place when they might be engaged in some line of active service. To these Christ is saying, ‘Why stand ye here all the day idle?’ and He adds, ‘Go ye also into the vineyard.’ Matthew 20:6, 7. Why is it that many more do not respond to the call? Is it because they think themselves excused in that they do not stand in the pulpit? Let them understand that there is a large work to be done outside the pulpit by thousands of consecrated lay members.”

“Long has God waited for the spirit of service to take possession of the whole church so that everyone shall be working for Him according to his ability. When the members of the church of God do their appointed work in the needy fields at home and abroad, in fulfillment of the gospel commission, the whole world will soon be warned and the Lord Jesus will return to this earth with power and great glory. ‘This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Matthew 24:14.

– Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles, pp. 110, 111

A section of RSW volunteers posing for a photo after successful mission.

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