We have provided some quick notes you could use to create Bible studies on various topics.

Quick Notes for Topical Studies

2 Timothy 3:16 – All Scripture is inspired
2 Peter 1:20-21 – Holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit
Psalm 119:105 – Lamp to the feet and light to the path
Psalm 119:9 – The word in the heart keeps you from sin
Matthew 4:3-10 – Best defense against temptation
2 Timothy 3:15 – Will make you wise unto salvation
1 Thessalonians 2:13 – Should be received not as the word of men but of God
Acts 17:11, Isaiah 8:20 – Should be the test of every teaching
John 5:39 – Testifies about Jesus
Isaiah 40:8 – Endures forever
1 Peter 1:22-25 – Brings new birth
Hebrews 4:12 – Powerful
John 17:17 – Source of truth
2 Timothy 2:15 – Study and rightly divide
John 14:26 – The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the word
Jeremiah 3:33 – Pray for God to reveal mighty things you don’t know.

Psalm 90:2 – He is from everlasting to everlasting
Psalm 33:6,9 – He is the creator of all things
Isaiah 40:18-26 – He has no equal
Isaiah 40:28 – He is everlasting and incomprehensible
Isaiah 42:9; 46:9-10; 45:21 – He knows the future perfectly
Job 11:7-9 – You can’t search Him out
Psalm 139:1-6 – He is omniscient (all knowing)
Psalm 139:7-8 – He is omnipresent
Daniel 5:23, – Isaiah 42:5 He holds our breath
Acts 17:28 – In Him we live, move and have our being
1 Timothy 1:17; 6:16 – He is immortal and invisible
Daniel 4:17 – He rules in the kingdoms of men
Daniel 2:21 – He changes times and seasons, Sets up and removes kings
Isaiah 45:12; 41:20; 37:16 – His hand made the earth and created man upon it
Jeremiah 10:10 – He is the true God, everlasting king
Jeremiah 23:24 – He fills heaven and earth
Jeremiah 32:17; Genesis 18:14, Luke 1:37 – Nothing is too hard for Him
Psalm 50:10-12; 24:1 – He owns the whole world

John 3:16 – God so loved the world
Jeremiah 3:31 – He loves us with an everlasting love
1 John 4:8 – God is love
Romans 5:8 – God demonstrated His love by the death of Jesus on the cross
Luke 19:10 – He came to seek and save the lost
Mark 2:17 – He came to call sinners to repentance
John 3:17 – He did not come to condemn the world
Acts 14:17 – He gives us food and gladness
2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 – He wants all saved and none lost
James 5:11 – He is pitiful and of tender mercy
Micah 7:18-19 – He pardons iniquity
Nahum 1:7 – God is good
Isaiah 55:7 – He will abundantly pardon
Exodus 34:6-7 – God is merciful, gracious and abundant in goodness
Psalm 103:3 – He heals our diseases and forgives our sins
Genesis 3:9 – He seeks the lost
Luke 15:11-32 – He receives the repentant
Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5 – Never forsakes His own

2 Thessalonians 2:7 – It is a mystery
Genesis 1:31, Ezekiel 28:15 – God created all things perfect in the beginning
Matthew 13:28 – Evil was brought by an enemy
Ezekiel 28: 12-14 – Evil originated with perfect angel who was a covering Cherub but later fell
Ezekiel 28:17 – Sin began when pride developed mysteriously in the heart of a perfect being
Isaiah 14:12 – The fallen angel was called “Lucifer” – the light bearer
Isaiah 14:13-14 – He became proud and wanted to take God’s position
Luke 10:18 – He fell from heaven
Revelation 12:7-9 – There was war in heaven
1 John 3:8,4 – He sinned from the beginning (He broke God’s law)
John 8:44 – He had murderous feelings against God. He used lies to slander God.
Revelation 12:4 – He deceived about 1/3 of heavenly angels
Genesis 2:16-17 – God gave man freedom of choice
Genesis 3:1-6 – The devil deceived man into sin
Luke 4:6, Psalm 8:4-6, Genesis 1:26 – Man lost his original dominion to the devil
Romans 6:16, John 8:44, 2 Peter 2:19 – Man became a slave instead of a ruler
John 8:34, Proverbs 5:22 – He binds us through sin and the lusts of the flesh
John 8:36, Matthew 1:21 – Jesus came to save us from sin and therefore set us free
Matthew 25:41, Ezekiel 28:18-19 – The devil will be destroyed completely in hell fire
Micah 4:8, – Acts 3:21 Man will get back his lost dominion
Nahum 1:9 – Affliction will not rise again

John 5:14 – Came as a result of sin
Luke 13:16 – The devil is the one responsible
Job 1 & 2 – God allows suffering but it is the devil who brings sorrow and trial
Lamentations 3:32-33 – God does not afflict willingly
Philippians 1:29, 2 Timothy 2:12 – Suffering for Christ is a privilege
2 Timothy 3:12 – Those who live godly lives will suffer persecution
Hebrews 12:5-11 – Trials will bring forth righteousness
James 1:2-3, Acts 5:40,41 – We should rejoice in trial
1 Peter 1:7, Job 23:10 – Trial perfects our faith as gold tried in fire
Hebrews 2:18 – Christ also suffered and is able to save those who are tempted
Hebrews 5:8 – Christ learned obedience through suffering
1 Corinthians 10:13 – God does not allow us to be tempted above what we can bear
Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – Our trials are preparing us for a future of glory
1 Peter 4:12-14 – God is glorified when we suffer for Christ’s sake
1 Peter 4:19, John 9:1-3; 11:4 – Some sufferings are according to God’s will
Psalm 78:34, Luke 15:14-20 – God sometimes allows suffering to restore us to Himself
Isaiah 48:10 – Every trial is part of the purification of our character
2 Corinthians 12:9 – God’s grace is sufficient for every trial he allows
Isaiah 43:2 – God is with us in every trial, He never leaves us
Isaiah 41:10 – God promises help for the tried
Exodus 3:7 – God sees, hears and knows our sorrows and is working to solve them
Romans 12:12 – We should be patient in trial
Revelation 21:4 – All sorrow, death, tears will finally be gone

Micah 5:2 – Born in Bethlehem *(Luke 2:1-7)
Isaiah 7:14 – Virgin Birth (Matthew 1:18-23, Luke 1:34)
Genesis 49:8-10 – Jesus lineage is from Judah (Luke 1:30-32)
Numbers 24:17 – A star shall rise out of Judah (Matthew 2:1-2)
Jeremiah 23:5 – Of David’s Lineage (Revelation 22:16)
Jeremiah 31:15 – Attempted murder by Herod (Matthew 2:16-18)
Isaiah 61:1-3 – The Ministry of the Messiah (Luke 4:16-21)
Psalm 41:9; 55:12-13 – Betrayal by a friend (John 13:18,19,26; Matthew 26:47-50)
Zechariah 11:12,13 – Betrayal for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16)
Isaiah 53:4-7 – Led as lamb to slaughter (John 1:29; Acts 8:32-35)
Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10 – Pierced (Luke 23:33; 24:39; John 19:16-18, 37)
Psalm 22:18 – Lots cast for His clothes (Matthew 27:35)
Psalm 22:1 – Last words on the cross (Matthew 27:46)
Psalm 34:20, Exodus 12:46 – No bones broken (John 19:31-36)
Daniel 9:26,27; Exodus 12:6 – Year, Day and Hour of His death (Matthew 27:45-50)
Isaiah 53:9 – Buried in a rich man’s tomb (Matthew 27:57-60)
Psalm 16:10 – Resurrection from the dead (Matthew 28:2-7; Acts 2:24-28, 31)
Hosea 6:2 – Raised on the third day (Acts 10:38-40)
*The verses in bracket show how the prophecy was strikingly fulfilled in the New Testament

Matthew 1:23 – Immanuel “God with us”
John 1:1, 14 – The Word was God and became flesh
John 17:5, 24 – Existed with the Father before the world was.
John 8:58; Exodus 3:14 – Before Abraham I AM (The Self-existent one)
Luke 5:20-24 – He forgave sin which only God can do
John 20:28 – My Lord and My God
Hebrews 1:5-7 – The Father calls Him God
Micah 5:2 – He is from everlasting
1 Timothy 6:15,16 – Has immortality
Revelation 1:8 – He is the Almighty, the term used for God in the highest sense
Colossians 1:16-17; Ephesians 3:9; John 1:3 – He created all things
Romans 9:5 – He is God blessed for ever
Philippians 2:5-8 – He is equal with God
Titus 2:13 – He is the great God

Exodus 20:1-17 – Given on mount Sinai
Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 4:1; 10:4 – Called the “Ten Commandments”
Exodus 31:18 – Written on stone by God’s own finger
Exodus 25:21; Deuteronomy 10:2-5 – Put inside the ark of the covenant
Psalm 19:7 – God’s law is perfect
Psalm 1:1-3 – God’s law is the secret to properity
Psalm 119:165 – Great peace is promised to those who keep God’s law
Psalm 111:7,8 – They stand fast forever and forever
Romans 3:20 – The law reveals sin
1 John 3:4 – Sin is defined as the breaking of God’s law
Romans 7:3 – God’s law cannot save
Romans 6:14-15 – Being under grace does not give liberty to break God’s law
Romans 7:12 – The law is holy, just and good
James 1:23-25 – God’s law is compared to a mirror
Mathew 5:17-19 – Christ did not abolish the law
James 2:10 – We are to keep all the 10
John 14:15 – Only through love can we truly obey
Matthew 22:36-40 – Love to God and man leads us to keep the law
1 John 2:3-4 – If we know God we will keep His law
1 John 5:2-3 – God’s law is not burdensome
Psalm 89:34 – God’s law never changes
Hebrews 10:16; 8:10 – In the new covenant Jesus writes the law in our hearts
Romans 3:31; Ephesians 2:8-9 – Those who are saved by grace through faith establish the law
Revelation 12:17; 14:12 – God’s people in the last days will keep His commandments
Revelation 22:14-15 – Only the obedient will enter the city of God
Ezekiel 36:25-27 – Only the converted who are born again can keep God’s law

Deuteronomy 31:24 – Was written by Moses’ Handwriting in a book
Deuteronomy 31:26 – Was placed AT THE SIDE of the ark of the covenant
Colossians 2:14 – They were done away, they are called ordinances
2 Chronicles 33:8 – The ordinances were written by the hand of Moses not the finger of God
Hebrews 10:1 – It is the law which is a shadow and it concerned sacrifices
Hebrews 10:4 – It was taken away because the blood of bulls could not take away sin
Ephesians 2:15, Daniel 9:27 – Was abolished by Christ when He died because He fulfilled the types
Mark 15:38 – When Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn showing that the work of the sacrificial system was done
Colossians 2:14 – It was against us because it was Jewish in nature. The Gentile was a stranger.
Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 9:1,10 – It concerned drinks, festivals, meat offerings which were a shadow of things to come
Ezra 6:18; Hebrews 9:1-5 – The law of ordinances had to do with the sanctuary service and priesthood
Daniel 9:11 – There is a difference between God’s law and the law of Moses
Galatians 5:1 – This law takes away liberty and is seen as bondage
James 1:25; 2:12 – The 10 commandments are the perfect law of liberty.

Isaiah 46:9-10 – God knows the future
Amos 3:7; Psalm 25:14 – He shows His secrets to His prophets
Daniel 2:1 – Nebuchadnezzar dreams dreams
Daniel 2:2-11 – The wise men of Babylon fail to reveal the dream
Daniel 2:12 – Death decree passed
Daniel 2:16-18 – Daniel asks for more time and uses it for prayer
Daniel 2:19-24 – God reveals the dream to Daniel and he gives thanks
Daniel 2: 28 – There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets
Daniel 2:29-30 – The dream is about the future
Daniel 2:31-36 – The dream narrated by Daniel


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 Interpretation of the dream

Daniel 2:37-38 – “You are the head of God” Babylon ruled the world from 605 – 539 BC
Babylon was referred to as “the glory of kingdoms” and her king as “the king of kings.” (Isaiah 13:19, Daniel 7:37). Thus
the golden head was a fit representation of that powerful empire.
Isaiah 14:4 – Babylon was a golden city
Daniel 2:39 – Another kingdom inferior to thee
Daniel 5:28, 30-31 – The Medes and Persians conquered Babylon (539 – 331 BC)
Isaiah 44:27,28; 45:1 – God had predicted the conquest of Babylon led by Cyrus 150 years in advance
Daniel 2:39 – Another third kingdom of bronze/brass
Daniel 8:20-21 – Greece conquered Medo-Persia (This prophecy was made 200 years in advance) (331-168 BC)
Daniel 2:40 – The fourth kingdom as strong as iron represents Rome
Luke 2:1; John 11:48 – Rome was the universal kingdom when Christ was on the earth
Daniel 2:41 – The feet of iron and clay represents the divisions of the Roman empire which is now modern Europe
Daniel 2:43 – An attempt to unite Europe by intermarriage and war
Daniel 2:44 – Europe remains divided till the second coming of Jesus
Daniel 2:45 – The Rock is Christ’s everlasting kingdom
1 Corinthians 10:4; Isaiah 28:16 – Christ is the Rock
Matthew 21:44 – Whomsoever the rock shall fall, it will grind to powder
Luke 23:42 – If we make Jesus Lord, then we too can pray “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

Matthew 24:3 – What shall be the sign of your coming and the end of the world?
Matthew 24:4,5,11,24 – Mass religious deception
Matthew 24:6,7 – Wars and rumors of war
Luke 21:26 – Fear in men’s hearts
Matthew 24:6,7 – Earthquakes, famines and pestilences
Matthew 24:12 – Violence and criminal activities
Matthew 24:37-39; Genesis 6:5,11 – Immorality, intemperance and violence
James 5:1-5 – Economic injustices
2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Perilous times, disobedience to parents and religious formalism
2 Peter 3:3-6 – Scoffers of the second advent
Luke 21:34 – Drunkenness with the cares of this life
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 – False assurance of peace and safety
Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6-12 – The preaching of the gospel to the whole world
Matthew 24:33 – These signs indicate that He is near even at the doors
Matthew 24:44 – Christ wants us to be ready
Matthew 24:48 – We should not be like the evil servant who says in the heart, “My Lord delays His coming.”
1 John 2:28 – We can be ready by daily abiding in Him
Luke 21:34 – Pray always that you are accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man.

John 14:1-3 – Christ promised He would return to take His people with Him to heaven
Titus 2:13 – This is the blessed hope of the faithful of all ages
Jude 1:14-15 – Enoch prophesied about it.
Job 19:25 – Job reflected about the return of our Lord
Psalms 50:3 – David saw the day of the Lord
Acts 1:9-11 – Angels said He will return the same way He went away
Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:27; 24:30 – His coming is a visible event
Matthew 24:31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – It will be so audible that even the righteous dead will hear
Matthew 25:31;16:27, Revelation 5:11 – It will be a glorious event
Revelation 16:18, 20 – Accompanied by great earthquake
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; 2:8 – The wicked will be consumed with the brightness of His return
Revelation 6:14-17 – The wicked run away from the wrath of Christ at His advent
Matthew 25:32-46 – The wicked and the righteous are separated
Revelation 19:11-16 – Christ will return as the King of kings
Isaiah 25:9 – The righteous will be glad to see Jesus
Revelation 22:7, 11-12, 17-20 – Christ finishes the Bible with an urgent message about His return

Genesis 2:1-3 – The Sabbath originated in Eden
Exodus 20:8-11 – The Sabbath is the memorial of creation, the fourth commandment
Exodus 31:13-17 – The Sabbath is a sign of God’s creative and redemptive power
Isaiah 58:13-14 – The Sabbath is holy unto the Lord and is called a delight
Jeremiah 17:20-27 – We should not bear burdens on the Sabbath
Nehemiah 13:15-22 – The Sabbath is not to be given to trading
Ezekiel 20:12,20 – The Sabbath is a special sign of God’s sanctifying power
Mark 2:27-28 – The Sabbath was made for man and Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12:10-12 – It is good to do good on the Sabbath
Luke 4:16 – Jesus had a custom of keeping the Sabbath by joining fellow worshippers on that day
Matthew 24:20 – He expected His disciples to keep the Sabbath even after His ascension to heaven
Luke 23:53-56 – The Sabbath is the day between Friday (When Jesus was buried) and Sunday (when Jesus resurrected)
Luke 24:1-4 – Christ resurrected on the first day of the week,Sunday.
Matthew 28:1-2 – The resurrection took place after Sabbath. The Biblical Sabbath is Saturday.
Luke 23:56 – The death of Jesus did not abolish the Sabbath
Acts 13:42-44; 16:13 – The apostles continued to keep the Seventh day Sabbath
Acts 17:2; 18:4 – Apostle Paul was a Sabbath keeper
Revelation 1:10 – John was in vision on the Sabbath
Revelation 14:12 – God’s people in the last days will keep the Sabbath
Isaiah 66:22-23 – The saved will keep the Sabbath in the earth made new
Hebrew 4:9 – There still remains a Sabbath rest for God’s people in the New Testament

Bible Handbook:

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Behold He cometh – A beautiful summary of the Adventist Church Message with Bible Texts you can use in defense of our most precious faith.

Bible Readings for The Home – Are you looking for a comprehensive Question and Answer format guide for different Bible Study topics with explanations attached. Bible Readings has been a great resource to many Seventh day Adventist church workers throughout the past century. As it helped them be founded upon a rocky foundation and were enabled to establish others, so may you.

Unlocking Prophetic Symbols – Do you desire to have the keys for unlocking the mysterious Bible Prophecy Symbols? This little document will equip you with Bible texts for each symbol.
